I do a lot of Mental Wellness Life Coaching. The NUMBER ONE lie my clients believe about themselves is:
“I’m not good enough.”
And when we dig deep to find the root of this lie, it always has to do with some choices they have made and attaching their value to those choices.
The truth is, every single person is valuable and good enough…because every one of us is a son or daughter of a Higher Power.
Each of my children are valuable and good enough to me–because I am their mother. How they show up in life and the choices they make do not change their value to me.
I know the same is true about the Creator of this Universe…my Higher Power. My choices do not change my value to Him. Your choices do not change your value to Him.
What would happen if you dropped the belief that your value is based on your results?
What would happen if you began to live from the truth that no matter what you do or do not do, your value does not change?
It matters!