Hi! I'm Coach Mandy-Marie
My mess is now
my message.
Over a decade of mental illness and perfectionism led me to becoming a Certified Professional Coach...
which led to freedom in my relationships, my expectations, and my internal programming.
This freedom means I have the bandwidth to be the best version of me so I can serve others and serve God in a world full of obstacles.
I want the same for you. You are destined for greatness.
Let's do this!
More of my story...
In the year 2000, I slowly felt the life draining out of me. I felt as if I was morphing into someone else. The real me was slowly disappearing. Parenting began to get challenging. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. I was soon diagnosed with depression. Thus began a 12-year battle of wondering if I would ever feel genuinely happy again. I wondered if depression was just my “test” in life.
Years of antidepressants kept me from feeling highs or lows. I was numb. Very few people knew my pain and burden because I kept it hidden, thinking it was just something I needed to deal with on my own. Ten years into this very difficult challenge, I told my doctor I was ready to see what was really behind the depression…and if it meant I needed to stay on anti-depressants, then I would. He put me on the path to understand the body-brain connection and how to nurture my body’s ability to heal.
About 18 months into this, my husband and I were introduced to mindset. I didn’t even know mindset was a thing! We hired a coach and began to practice intentional creation. Now my reality really began to shift. My need for antidepressants diminished and then disappeared. I began to find myself again. My ability to express the inspiration and wisdom inside me was restored. My spirit began to thrive. I began to unravel the subconscious lies that were creating results I did not want.
The benefits of this internal shift became even more evident as our children grew older and my husband and I experienced some parenting challenges. We were able to move through the challenges with clarity. This clarity has created an emotional resilience that continues today to protect me from going into a tailspin, no matter what challenge I may be facing.
My ability to face my fears, replace self-sabotage, and embrace my worth has changed my ability to move through obstacles and thrive!
Fun Facts About Me!
I love to make
homemeade bread!
I love mint dark chocolate--
especially M&Ms!
I love to be
Kind words from clients
I have moved past issues that had me emotionally trapped.
Coach Mandy-Marie has helped me learn more awareness of myself, self care, coping mechanisms, building my brain and subconscious mindset stronger, and getting myself back in control of my emotions and power to withstand all that comes my way.