The Truth Experiment – Dare To Desire

“Your beliefs act like filters on a camera, changing how you see the world.  And your biology adapts to those beliefs.  When we truly recognize that our beliefs are that powerful, we hold the key to freedom.  While we cannot readily change the codes of our genetic blueprints, we can change our minds and, in the process, switch the blueprints used to express our genetic potential.” (Dr. Bruce Lipton, The Biology of Belief)


For years and years I held the belief that depression was something that was not going to go away.  I reiterate this point again to illustrate where my thinking used to be.  When I made a shift and began to think that maybe, just maybe, there was another answer than depression for the rest of my life, I had some powerfully strong experiences that really made me question the idea that there was another answer.  There were many times when I just wanted to give up, to give in.  But something in me has incredible fight.


I have learned that our positive and negative beliefs affect every aspect of our lives–social, spiritual, temporal, and physical.  And so I share a skill to help you find out about YOU–to find truth.  I call it The Truth Experiment.


Take a piece of paper and make two columns.  For the next week, take 60 seconds each day and write down all of the negative phrases that come into your mind about who you are or what you want to accomplish.  In the column parallel to the negative thoughts, turn the phrase around–write its opposite–along with one other positive thing.


The first time I did this, this is what my list looked like:


The Voices
I am tired and I am losing steam.
No one wants to hear my story.
You should not deliver your message.
Your mind is too mushy to learn.
You can’t change.
It is so overwhelming to be a mother.


The Truth
I am vibrant and I have enough energy to do what is important to me.
Thousands of people want to hear me and I am great!
Deliver your message and it will help many.
My mind is alert, attentive, and I learn much!
I am changing and it feels great!
Being a mother brings vitality to my life. My children are anchors for me.


Depression and challenges FEED on negativity.  I know just how incredibly negative the voices can get.  I invite you to choose to have a desire to be the one in charge of your thinking…and try the experiment!


It matters!


Learn more about my journey HERE.


Ready to create an emotionally resilient family? Schedule a free consult with me today!

Picture of Coach Mandy-Marie

Coach Mandy-Marie

Face, Replace, Embrace

Let's do this!

I'm Coach Mandy-Marie

In 2010, I was overwhelmed with depression and stressed about what the future held. I knew there HAD to be answers.

I found them. These answers became solutions to facing my fears, replacing self-sabotage, and embracing my worth that have set me free to move through personal and parenting challenges. I’ve been teaching these solutions to clients for 10 years.

I want the same for you! 

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Turn Overwhelm Into Clarity

Your overwhelm has a message. And that message has the power to bring you relief, confidence, and clarity!