There is no question about it: we will get more of whatever we focus on.
Asking questions of ourselves can be powerful. It can actually change our lives. The two questions I asked in 2009 changed my life:
“Do I really need to be on an antidepressant for the rest of my life? Is there a root cause to the depression?”
These two questions opened up an entirely new world for me. It opened doors that had been closed because I was closed. I was so willing to believe that there was no way I could overcome depression. And this belief kept the door to freedom from depression closed. Asking questions changed that. I got something new because my focus changed.
So I ask you: What do YOU want?
Speak it out loud. Think it in your mind. Mull it over.
It matters!
Learn more about my journey HERE.
Ready to create an emotionally resilient family? Schedule a free consult with me today!