Do I REALLY Need To Forgive?

Picture of Coach Mandy-Marie
Coach Mandy-Marie

Master Your Mind. Master Your Life.

Emotional health depends on strengthening the mind.
Strengthening the mind occurs as we forgive others.
How do I know?  Because my own journey through life has given me opportunities to either forgive someone who has wronged me–especially unjustly–or to hold a grudge.  I have seen firsthand what holding grudges does.  It creates bitter, resentful, hateful people who have no problem firing missils at the very people they should love and honor.  It turns these people into haters of light.
Who do you need to forgive?  Take a first step.  Write a letter to them and pretend they are at their very best.  Keep the letter and read it often.  Allow this one act to help you begin the journey to having your heart turn.  Forgiveness does not mean accepting what they did or accepting them into your life.  Forgiveness means peace and a fortified mind for you.
I know because it happened to me this past week.
Forgiveness matters.  You matter.

(Now 4 years later as I reflect on this experience forgiving a sibling, I recognize the power in my life when I think about them. They have not changed their behavior towards me; they have not sought forgiveness. But I am different. I don’t get anxious when I think about them. My heart doesn’t pound and I don’t wonder what I will say if I see this person. Instead, the boundary I set to not spend much, if any, time around this person creates safety. I am able to genuinely ask, “What is there to understand about this person’s wound?” and it frees me to be me and move forward in my life with peace.)


Learn more about my journey HERE.


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I'm Coach Mandy-Marie

In 2010, I felt trapped—overwhelmed by depression, anxious about the future, and stuck in perfectionism. I was constantly searching for answers, but the cycle of striving for flawlessness only deepened my struggle.

After asking, “What if?” I began a journey that has brought resilience, self-compassion, and lasting peace despite very difficult challenges.

Today, I help others break free from those same patterns of overwhelm that used to plague me. I guide them to clarity, confidence, and purpose so they can thrive in their own journeys–
just as I did.

I want the same for you!

Book a free discovery call today!
Master Your Mind. Master Your Life.

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