Yesterday, I had a significant breakthrough in regards to my upcoming Mind Mastery Group Coaching course. I had been viewing my main obstacle as a gray, lifeless barrier, something that I knew was there and just didn’t know what to do about it.
Yesterday, with the help of my coach, I realized that I had been viewing my main obstacle as a gray, lifeless barrier that was just hanging out in my path. As my coach helped me reflect on it and then move past it, I began to see vibrant colors as I walked into a space filled with life and color. Suddenly, I felt excited about the course instead of stuck behind the obstacle!
Identifying my obstacle made all the difference. Knowing what to do with the obstacle changed how I view the opportunities of this class!
Obstacles have a message.
What are you obstacles saying to you?
Adjusting your lens can help you see clearly and bring color back into your vision!
Let’s get on a free call and see your obstacles for what they REALLY are!
It matters!